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Cases on the site currently cover parking, bus lane, moving traffic and road user charging, including the London Congestion Charge and Clean Air Zones (outside London). More cases and contravention types will be added in due course.

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Please note: All adjudicator decisions included on this website are in the public domain. While they have been curated together here for the convenience and interest of users, any information contained within the decisions remains the responsibility of the original adjudicating body. Any questions relating to the content of cases should also be directed to the adjudicating body.

Miss H – v – St Helens Council

Traffic Penalty Tribunal

Decision Date: 2024-07-16

Outcome: Dismissed

This case clarifies that the blue badge concession can only apply when the badge is clearly displayed in the vehicle. A badge that has fallen from view is not clearly displayed.

More generally, the council does not have to prove that a motorist intended to park in contravention, only that a contravention occurred, and adjudicators have no power to take mitigating circumstances into account.

Miss G – V – Glasgow City Council

First-tier Tribunal for Scotland

Decision Date: 2024-03-23

Outcome: Judicial Review

This case clarifies that the review process is limited and the unsuccessful party is not necessarily entitled to a review. Whether the interests of justice require a review depends on the circumstances of any specific case, but even if a ground is proved the adjudicator is not bound to engage in a review; it may not be proportionate to do so.

The case also covers how the principle of de minimis cannot be applied because there is no ‘near miss’ principle in public law. A limited entry into a bus lane is mitigation, which is not a matter for the adjudicator. Only the council can consider mitigating circumstances.

Finally, that an adjudicator decision may appear inconsistent from another does not mean it is necessarily incorrect. Decisions of another adjudicator or jurisdiction are persuasive, they are not binding, unless made by a higher court.

Mr B – v – Sheffield City Council

Traffic Penalty Tribunal

Decision Date: 2023-06-07

Outcome: Dismissed

This case clarifies that yellow line restrictions apply to the carriageway, pavement and verge, and that an area the public can access can form part of the public highway, even if it is private land. Further, parking is not permitted adjacent to the restrictions marked by yellow lines in such areas. The cases also makes clear that the adjudicator cannot interfere in the authority’s exercise of discretion.