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Cases on the site currently cover parking, bus lane, moving traffic and road user charging, including the London Congestion Charge and Clean Air Zones (outside London). More cases and contravention types will be added in due course.

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Please note: All adjudicator decisions included on this website are in the public domain. While they have been curated together here for the convenience and interest of users, any information contained within the decisions remains the responsibility of the original adjudicating body. Any questions relating to the content of cases should also be directed to the adjudicating body.

When / where do I have to pay to drive my vehicle into a Clean Air Zone?

Decision Date: 2023-10-12

Payment of the charge must be made for each day a non-compliant vehicle is used within a Clean Air Zone, either up to 6 days in advance of, or by 11.59pm on the 6th day after, using the vehicle in the zone.

Charges apply daily, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and from midnight to midnight (for example, 2 x daily charges should be paid for a vehicle entering a Clean Air Zone at 11pm and leaving at 1am the following morning.

Payment should be made at the GOV.UK Drive in a Clean Air Zone service, not to the local authority directly.

How much will I be charged for driving in a Clean Air Zone?

Decision Date: 2023-10-12

The types of vehicles and charges that apply vary for different Clean Air Zones. You can check on the website of the local authority operating the scheme for the charges that apply to a specific scheme.

Alternatively, use the GOV.UK Drive in a Clean Air Zone service to see if your vehicle’s emissions mean you would be liable for charge and (if applicable) view the charges that will apply to the vehicle and pay.

How do I find out if my car should be charged to drive in a Clean Air Zone?

Decision Date: 2023-10-12

Whether you are charged depends on the emissions category and type of your vehicle. You can check whether your vehicle’s emissions and type mean you must pay a charge and make payment to use it within a Clean Air Zone online at the GOV.UK Drive in a Clean Air Zone service.

How do I know a Clean Air Zone is in operation?

Decision Date: 2023-10-12

Signage on roads in and around the zone, showing a white cloud symbol within a green circle, will indicate that a Clean Air Zone scheme is in operation. A letter A–D will also be included on the symbol (see images below), denoting the class of zone that applies.

The 4 x ascending lettered classes relate to the different groups of vehicle that are charged, as follows:

• Class A: Buses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles
• Class B: Buses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles, heavy goods vehicles
• Class C: Buses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, vans, minibuses
• Class D: Buses, coaches, taxis, private hire vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, vans, minibuses, cars (the local authority also has the option to include motorcycles)

What is a Clean Air Zone?

Decision Date: 2023-10-11

A Clean Air Zone is a road user charging scheme applying to certain vehicles used within a geographic area of a city centre, with the aim of reducing pollution and improving air quality.

Charges apply to vehicles that have an emissions category that does not meet a standard specified by the particular class of Clean Air Zone that is in operation. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras detect vehicles that are used in a zone.